CHC President
(203) 521-1252
Vice President
(203) 644-2433
(203) 214-5501
(845) 220-6845
(203) 915-6336
Referee in Chief
(860) 294-4538
Coach in Chief
(860) 248-5816
Eligibility Chair
(203) 247-3270
League/Tournament Director
(914) 879-7012
Girls/Womens Director
(630) 487-7503
Tier 1 Director - Girls
Tier 2 Director - Girls
Tier 1 Director - Youth
(860) 319-1477
Tier 2 Director - Youth
(203) 376-4349
14U Director - Youth
12U Director - Youth
(203) 751-2776
10U Director
8U Director
Safe Sport Coordinator
(203) 246-2416
Asst Safe Sport Coordinator
(203) 314-8081
Player Development Director - Youth
(860) 833-4329
Player Development Director - Girls
Goaltending Development Coordinator
(914) 456-4559
Grow the Game Director
Player Safety Coordinator
(203) 233-1473
Marketing Director
(860) 965-3585
Website Administrator
Sr Commissioner
(860) 209-9921
(914) 260-9189
(860) 500-8152
(860) 514-3223
(845) 721-5809
(203) 948-3561
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